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COMMERCIALS: How Can I Help You?

Bill Coelius is an incredible human and if you're ever looking for a class on auditiong for and acting in commercials, take his IMMEDIATELY.

Among the many incredibly valuable things he taught us, my top three lessons were as follows:

1) Enter the room thinking "How Can I Help? How can I be of service in this audition?" and always be present in the moment. You are there to serve the role in whatever ways necessary, not to be "right" or "perfect".

2) Pictures are enough! If you can picture it, you can manifest it. Visualization is key not just when auditioning, but for goal setting as well. Actively visualize.

3) You are AMAZING. You are alive, you are a complex set of flesh, bones, and muscles. That's AMAZING. You are amazing and you are enough.

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